Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ouch and a new name

Gabbie has been crabby lately! Poor baby, one minute she is laughing and the other crying and screaming. She is super clingy and sometimes while she goes through these crying sessions she holds on for dear life and others she doesn't want to be touched. We are starting to think the culprit is the 2 year molars. I looked in her mouth and it looks like the bottom ones are starting to make there way to the surface. I read these are supposed to be so painful. I just feel so sorry for her.

Here is a picture from last weekend. She wasn't herself then. Look at this serious face.

Onto the new name. About a month or so ago I wrote about Gabbie's new name for me, Mom. After about a week or so she dropped that and I became mama again. Well the past couple of days she has given me a new name and it is truly the sweetest in the world. My new name is Mommy! I am consistently mommy. Per dada (he is a little jealous because she will not say daddy for anything) she said it constantly until I got home from work. Honestly there is nothing better in this world than to hear your baby girl say mommy over and over again. My heart is just melting away. Here is my silly girl from tonight. This is her cheese face. Now when she sees the camera she flashes a goofy grin.


Mama Bear said...

I am right there with you "sista" with that teething thing. It's like WHO ARE YOU KID!!!!!! LOVE Gabbie's "cheese" smile. She's such a cutie pie.

Beth said...

"Mommy" How sweet.

Good luck with those molars... isn't it amazing how getting teeth can change a child! Luckily, it is only temporary.

She is adorable.

Kelly said...

I truly cannot believe how grown up she looks. "mommy" is the best word...I still love it when my 7 yr old calls me that!