Sunday, December 9, 2007

How it all started

I am Angie and my husband is Steve. We live in St. Charles, Missouri. We met in December of 1999 at a bar. A friend came up to me and told me I needed to meet some guy who she said was hilarious. So, I met Steve and the rest is history. We got married on November 3, 2001. Steve is a Teacher and I am a Manager at an insurance company in St. Louis.

I was diagnosed with Scoliosis as a child and underwent my first back surgery at age 12. Fast forward to November 2004 when I started having a lot of back pain. I found out I would need not one but two back surgeries to correct my problems. I had the two surgeries in April/May of 2005.

On Christmas night 2005 Steve and I were driving home from my grandparent's house when I mentioned adoption. We were both ready for children but it was pretty clear that my back wasn't ready for pregnancy and might never be. In January after researching countries we went to a seminar on China and thought we had made a decision. In the back of my mind though I heard a little voice saying Guatemala. To make a long stort short things all worked out and in March 2006 we signed with our agency and began the paperchase. The paperchase took a little bit longer than we expected and let me tell you I was not happy! We finally mailed in our dossier on June 29, 2006 and got on the waiting list for our baby.

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